Reshim Community is a place that brings together everyone who is connected to the humanitarian field in some way. Our community aims to build strong ties between those who seek to improve the effectiveness of the humanitarian community.
In our community you can:
- To join the initiative Reshim Human Talk.
- To join the initiative Reshim Solution Accelerator.
- To join the initiative Help2help, bringing together humanitarian projects.
- Offer your help in the section I want to help.
- Say thank you to a project or initiative in the section Project feedback.
We can also:
- Help us with the tasks in the section Tasks.
- Read our news.
- Launch your own initiative or join a working group.
And also:
- Communicate with like-minded people and even anonymously.
- Share Π° course / training.
- Talk about your hobbies.
- Talk about your favorite games.
- Share your experience or tell your story.